Friday, April 16, 2010

Radiation moved out another day... :(

The radiation machine decided to go down for the entire day yesterday, April 15th. So, now my last treatment will not be until April 27th :( I suppose it is only one day. That damn machine better hold out for the next week and a half though! Don't want to delay it anymore ;) My mom is staying with me and Ian while Charles is in beautiful Monterery CA taking pictures for work. He calls about 15-20 times a day because he is so worried. Poor guy. I'm not really good at hiding it anymore either :P So I feel bad for that. I'm still just taking it day by day. Unfortunately the days all seem to be the same and just as rough but the important thing is that I am getting through it. Started having to use the Aloe Vera on my neck. It's not crazy sunburned but it is red and peeling. I am "so hot" :P My mom has started me watching The View, Dr Phil, and Oprah now :P Not good. All I need is more tv to watch ;) Although I keep picking up more and more Gordan Ramsay shows. Not sure why I find pleasure in my misery by watching food being eaten and  prepared, whether badly or really well done :P It doesn't make me more hungry or anything, surprisingly. I guess because I know I can't taste it right now so it is not even a temptation. If I put it in my mouth, it would just taste like a big piece of soggy napkin. Not very appetizing :P So i just sip my Slimfast and my water and enjoy Gordon giving all these knobheads a "what-for". And then showing them how it's done. That's my Gordon! ;)
The kind of funny part of how my treatment as affected me that is very different from my original personality is that I have no sympathy for dumb people. I honestly get so annoyed so quickly. I used to laugh at Sponge Bob (I know, I know) but that big spongy dufus irritates the piss out of me now. I feel a bit like Squidward and want to stick something sharp through both ears. I can't stand the silly crying fits of all the contestants on Biggest Loser. Seriously, you are all a bunch of liars and knew Drea was more competition. I want to claw Brent and Caite's eyes out on the Amazing Race for being stupid and thinking that it's totally cool to refer to Brandy and Carol as "The Lesbians" because they were "mean to her". Seriously Caite, karma's a bitch and she is out to get you. (at least I am crossing my fingers) Anywho, this is just a couple little tidbits of my day that I actually kind of start laughing at myself when I notice how irritated I am getting. Anyway, I assume this too shall pass. Thank goodness, being mean and nasty is really not that much fun...not really... ;)

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