Sunday, April 11, 2010

2 weeks!

Two weeks left of treatment! It's not getting easier by any means but at least we are on the downward slope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. :) My neck is a little red but that is about it so far. I can blow my mouth which is utterly disgusting but part of the deal (and I may add the WORST part). Hopefully that goes away in a couple weeks and my tatsebuds come back once I am all done...fingers crossed on both hands and toes crossed :P I am losing a little more hair than normal but I still have a full head of it :) I have my bad moments of self pity and defeat but my husband has been wonderful to help bring me out (or I just go to bed :P). Ian is always good to have around and he is such a sweetheart, but we all knew this. He comes and gives me hugs and tells me he loves me all the time. He'll even tuck me in on the couch when I'm laying down. I do that a lot with the fentanyl and the new nausea meds. They make me very sleepy. Well, I can't wait to be done and we are getting there. I actually miss working a little but there is no way I could do it right now. But it will be nice to get my life back on a more "normal" track again. Charles is going out of town on Wednesday to the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey, CA so my mom is coming to stay with Ian and I. Ian also has a karate tournament on Saturday, hopefully that will not be all day. Don't think I could handle that but hoping he only has to be there a couple hours in the morning. I hear that's what they usually do with the younger ones. He is just so excited that I can't not let him go :) And it will be nice to spend time with my mom :) She is such a wonderful cook, too bad I can't taste anything :( Because that would be GREAT :) Oh well. Ian can enjoy :)

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