Friday, April 2, 2010

Cheeky Chipmunk

Due to my radiation in my mouth, the insides of my cheeks have swollen up and now I feel and sound like a chipmunk hoarding nuts in my cheeks ;) I have a sore on the right side and I thought it was because I had bitten it in my sleep and it just wasn't healing. Believe me, that thing hurts so bad. It is the biggest reason I can't eat. Even the ensure burns it. I talked to my doctor about it on Tuesday and we figured out that the radiation beam is actually reflecting off of my metal filling in my tooth and basically burning the inside of my cheek. The sore is actually a big blister and it is a BITCH! ;) Thankfully I have dental trays made especially for my teeth and can use these to hopefully prevent the reflection of the beam now and my cheek should be healed within a week. Fingers crossed! It still hurts today but not nearly as bad so I think it's working!! And Lortab is not too shabby itself ;) hehe

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