Thursday, April 1, 2010

March 24, 2010 - 2nd Chemo Treatment

My good friend and co-worker, Carla, came with me to my second chemo treatment. She brought her portable DVD player and New Moon to watch. She also finally showed me how to play Soduku. I think I understand it now :P At least I did when she was doing it. I have yet to try it on my own...
I brought my Snuggie with me for the first time and it was GREAT! Thanks to Kathy, I was very cozy ;) It only took one stick for the IV this time, so that was good. And I wore the easy pull up and pull down pants so my 25 trips to the restroom were less of an ordeal ;) My nurse, Daren, was pretty funny. He kept us laughing the whole time I was there. He nicknamed my Snuggie, "Nuggie" which was very cute ;) My only mistake was putting the Nuggie on before the IV got hooked up so I had to wear the damn thing everytime I went to the bathroom draped over my shoulder ;) So that did make it kind of interesting but at least I didn't have a belt and zipper to deal with! I think Daren's best comment though was when he brought out the "hard stuff" (my cisplatin) usually the nurses have to wear gloves and a smock because the chemical is so potent and Daren just had on the gloves. I asked why he wasn't wearing the blue smock and he said it was because his "nipples were too large". LOL - Bless him. He is not a small boy so that was just so funny! I also discovered that they have pebble ice in the little kitchenette there so Carla got me a nice big glass full and a spoon. I was enjoying my ice and then got distracted for a second and the whole cup fell to the side of me and spilled out the side of my chair all over the floor... :P I was so embarassed because, of course, everyone turned to look. Daren just said "That's gonna cost ya" haha. It got cleaned up and I apologized profusely and was still given another glass of pebble ice. I was much more watchful of it the rest of the time ;) Carla and I had a good time together and it is always good to have someone there to pass the time with :) Thanks again Miss Carla Jay! Love ya!

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