Monday, April 12, 2010

Missing person

I know it seems to many of you that I have disappeared. I'm sorry. I know it may seem unfair. I will be back, I promise. For now, I am just not myself and I can't talk. Every inch of skin in my mouth now feels like it is peeling away: tongue, cheeks, gums, throat... It hurts to cough, laugh, burp, drink, throw-up, breathe, hiccup, cry, yawn, and sneeze. Especially sneeze...oh, that brings instant tears and then it hurts to cry so then I cry more. It's a vicious cycle.... :P So, again, I am sorry if you feel like I have disappeared. I am just sparing you ;) I'm sure my mom will be in for a big surprise coming to stay for a few days in the house of "Les Miserables". She will have Ian to keep her entertained though (when we can get him off of the XBox, that is). I need to find myself a small dry erase board so that I can communicate for the next month ;) And I was just at Target this morning :P Oh well...
I have to see the speech therapist tomorrow morning too. That should be VERY interesting. I haven't been very faithful about my exercises for swallowing...oops... And now it hurts. Hopefully I can still pass (and hopefully it is covered by insurance. I was meant to call on that and never got around to it. Now it is impossible :P) If she even shows me a graham cracker, I may just have to kill her ;)
Well, I can't wait to see my friends again soon. And I will see you again. I promise to come back healthy and laughing once again. Mwah!

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