Friday, April 9, 2010

No bueno

On Tuesday, my doctor put me on Fentanyl patches for the horrible pain I have in my mouth hoping to help with me eating since I keep losing weight. The fentanyl works wonders for the pain so that is GREAT! But not sure if it is the pain med or chemo but I have not been able to keep anything down for long :( This is not helping in my "weight stability" but I am so glad to have the pain gone that I don't want to give up on the fentanyl. This is saying a lot since I HATE throwing up. I mean who really loves it??? ;) But I really hate throwing up. Lord knows that I do not want to have a feeding tube so I am still trying my best to eat. Definitely not easy. I keep torturing myself and watching Gordon Ramsay every day too. I was craving a hot dog (thanks to Survivor) but now I have turned towards lasagne (thanks to Ian watching Garfield) and now onto Shepherd's Pie (thanks to Gordon). I am going to get so chubby when this is all done and I can eat again! :P Although I do wonder what my tastebuds will come back like... if they will be the same or if things will taste differently. I am 99.9% positive that I still will hate onions though ;) hehe
Just sitting her reading this post and how interesting to go from throwing up to food...hmmmm... the shit that goes on in my mind :P
Well, love to all and I will miss my Bunco girls tonight... :( Have fun anyway ladies! I'll catch ya next month!

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