Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Some Photos that I didn't get a chance to post yet... :)

Me and Carla - Last Day of chemo - 4/21/2010

Me, Daren, and my sparkling cider to celebrate my last chemo treatment. I wasn't feeling like celebrating though... :P

This was the burns on my neck the last day of radiation treatment - 4/27/2010

I just rang the bell to celebrate my last radiation treatment. Again, I was really not feeling like celebrating :P I felt so horrible...but I managed a smile anyway

This is probably a week after treatment ended. I am using Aquafor to help with the burns and it is working!

This is probably before the above photo I think. I can't remember :P

The picture on top is my chemo nurse that checked me in every week and the picture under is my chemo doctor, Dr. Gregg. This was at my follow-up visit on 5/26/2010. I'm at my goal weight!! Not the way I wanted to do it or recommend but I'm there ;) And have new hair :)

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