Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Still almost non-existent tastebuds... :(

While I am healing a bit more and more everyday, my taste buds are being very slow in coming back altogether. I can taste things (mostly sweet, and usually chocolate) the first couple bites and then it goes flat. But I find if I wait long enough between bites and have a couple sips of water, I can taste it again. I am eating more but not necessarily enjoying much. I really can't wait to taste everything and taste it as it should taste. I tried a co-worker's dessert today and it tasted like meatloaf of all things. I actually had Rachel Greene's Thanksgiving dessert from "Friends" ;) hehe At least that is what it tasted like to me. So weird. Not sure why things wouldn't taste like they should but hopefully that doesn't stick. I also tried banana bread with a bunch of butter on it to make it super soft and the butter tasted like soy sauce. So, yeah, not sure what is going on the last couple days...But I have to keep trying stuff because I never know.

I did have a CT scan last week and they are comparing it to my first one when I had the tumor in my neck. Then I will see the ENT oncologist on June 29th and he will look at it to determine the results. My radiation oncologist seemed to think that maybe there might still be a bit left over that may need to be surgically removed. It will be up to Dr. Hunter to decide at the end of the month though. So, I will let everyone know then... 50% of the time, if something is left over, it is dead and not cancerous still. So keep your fingers crossed.

I will have my PET/CT scan scheduled for around the end of July/beginning of August. This test will determine if there are any tumors left or if the cancer is gone. They have to wait at least 12 weeks after treatment ends or the test can show false positives. So a lot is just hurry up and wait, I am finding... A real test in patience. I am ready to move on. I know this will always be a part of me but I am ready to eat and enjoy, feel good, and move on and enjoy the summer. I have a lot to look forward to and wonderful family and friends to enjoy time with. Let's get this show on the road!! :)

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