Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2 week follow up

Saw the doctor today for my 2 week follow up after treatment. Seems as if the tumors are gone in my neck and tongue! I am still in need of a lot of healing in my mouth and throat but she did as thorough an exam as possible. I go in on June 2nd for a CT scan and more thorough exam of the area and hopefully those come back just as good :) She was impressed with my improvement since my last treatment. I actually gained a pound, so that is good. Now I just have to keep that up and try to get as much nutrition as possible. Really hard when you can't taste anything and my mouth is still sore. But I did attempt some vanilla yogurt today and that wasn't great but it was different than just a shake ;) It's hard to not be impatient but I just have to think every day that I am closer to normal than the day before :) And it did take them 6 weeks to do this to me so I need at least that to recover. I am actually looking forward to going back to work on the 24th. I won't be able to talk as much as normal, but it will be good to have my days productive and not sitting around waiting for these damn tastebuds to come back ;) And I miss my friends there. It will be good to be around all those crazy people again! The best crazy people ever!

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