Saturday, March 13, 2010

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

That is the type of cancer I have. It is related to the HPV virus that has caused a raucous with its more common relationship to cervical cancer. I am lucky enough to have the really rare strain of HPV that causes head and neck cancer in young women. I guess it's true... I am special ;) The "good" news is that having HPV positive SCC is highly responsive to chemo and radiation and my cure rate goes up to 90% (from 70% of HPV negative SCC). It is going to be a rough couple months of treatment and side effects but a small bump in the road to a long life with my wonderful family and friends. Thank you all for your support, love and care. Keep in touch because I am sure there will be times when I am going to need a good motivational speech! ;)

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