Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's!

Happy St. Patty's day to you! Today was my first chemo treatment and my second radiation treatment. Radiation is pretty easy really. I go in the back door, the doctors meet me there and take me into this big room and lay me down on a very  hard table. It's just like a table they put you on for an x-ray for CT or MRI. Then they put my mask on me and strap it and me down to the table. The doctors walk out and put on Jack Johnson for me and then it begins. I hear buzzing for about 10-20 seconds each time the radiation beams are on. And I am usually done within 10 mins. I have a bit of dry mouth but that is the only side effect so far. I just keep water with me at all times.
I then headed over today for my chemo appointment. I met with the doctor beforehand to get any questions answered and my anti-nausea prescriptions (yes, there are two. that way I can alternate if needed every 3 hours. Bless them!) I got taken back to the chemo room where there are two rows of recliners facing each other and scattered patients receiving treatment. I got comfortable and the nurse that was taking care of me had a student with her. They asked if I would mind if she started my IV and I'm always willing to help. She is in her last semester and she seemed pretty confident. Well, it didn't work out... :( Turns out I have "tiny" veins. So, with the IV needle in my arm they "fished" around for my "tiny" vein and then decided to try again. Still nothing. Another "seasoned nurse" come over and placed the IV in and things started cruising (of course she had to remind me to breathe when she was putting my IV in :P Those suckers hurt!) About an hour into it, I was just getting the potassium after the Anti-nausea drip and had to go to the bathroom for the 3rd time (seriously, drinking 2 quarts of water does this to you. They are gonna have to stock up on bathroom tissue during my appts!), and went to wash my hands and notice blood and fluid dripping down from my bandage of my IV... Needless to say, they had to get yet ANOTHER nurse to do yet ANOTHER IV needle. My only "good" vein is in the bend of my elbow where I normally get blood taken from. So now I am one-handed :P And that is even more interesting having to go the bathroom another 10 times in the next 2 hours of treatment and getting undressed and dressed with one hand ;) It's all good though! I was just glad to get it done :) I'm on my way to kickin my evil twin's ass!
And it is pretty boring sitting there for 4 hours and Charles did go with me the whole time. I am so glad to have him there. He is such a strong support for me and I love him to bits! Thankfully there was also wifi and he was able to get some work done too, so it was productive for both of us :) By the way ladies from my office...Soduku is freakin hard! I could not figure it out :P Someone will have to teach me. I read the instructions, it just didn't make any sense. I didn't even have chemo brain yet ;)

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