Sunday, March 21, 2010

And it begins...

Went to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" with Charles, Ian, and our friends, Keni, Chris, Cami, and Ali. That movie was hillarious! I think Chris had flashbacks from his middle school years but made it out with only a couple cold sweats ;) I was excited to get a big bucket of popcorn layered with that oily substance they refer to as "butter" and enjoy. Turns out this is exactly when my tastebuds decided to go flat... :( I could feel the butter and its greasy goodness but no real flavor. So disappointed... But the movie was funny so that kept my mind off it a little bit. During the movie the main kid was trying to gain 10lbs in a week so he could go from being a "chihuahua" to a "bulldog" on the wrestling team. So he loaded up his plate with mashed potatoes. Now, if you know me mashed potatoes is like heaven on a plate. So I had a serious craving after that.

Keni and I had made plans to go get pedi's after the show. I thought I would be different and go with a nice brown color. Now that should have been my first clue that it was "brown" and shouldn't be putting it on my toes. But I did it anyway.... Yeah, it looked like I had little turds on my toes. So, I had to have the color changed. Of course it was getting closer to closing time so my nail tech, Lisa, was prone to giving me a bunch of crap about waiting until she was nearly done painting my toenails. ;) So Keni decided now was a good time to drop the Cancer Card and it worked ;) hehe We even got free flowers on our toes! ;) Sometimes you just gotta take advantage ;)

Then we went out to dinner to Cracker Barrell since I still couldn't get the mashed potatoes out of my mind...! I got my usual Chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and corn. I was sooooooo excited! And it was good but a little flat... :( Such a waste! But I still nearly licked the plate clean, even if I was mostly imagining how good it was tasting. Oh well, it was a good evening and had a lot of fun. Even got to see my friend, Sam, for his birthday for a little bit and watch some of "Candide". We skipped through a lot of it so I'm gonna have to take some time to watch it start to finish so I can understand more of the story ;) But Kristen Chenoweth is just amazing. Still can't imagine being able to sing that high! Wow - Speaking of, some day I will see "Wicked" too! ;) Maybe even in San Francisco!

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