Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2 week follow up

Saw the doctor today for my 2 week follow up after treatment. Seems as if the tumors are gone in my neck and tongue! I am still in need of a lot of healing in my mouth and throat but she did as thorough an exam as possible. I go in on June 2nd for a CT scan and more thorough exam of the area and hopefully those come back just as good :) She was impressed with my improvement since my last treatment. I actually gained a pound, so that is good. Now I just have to keep that up and try to get as much nutrition as possible. Really hard when you can't taste anything and my mouth is still sore. But I did attempt some vanilla yogurt today and that wasn't great but it was different than just a shake ;) It's hard to not be impatient but I just have to think every day that I am closer to normal than the day before :) And it did take them 6 weeks to do this to me so I need at least that to recover. I am actually looking forward to going back to work on the 24th. I won't be able to talk as much as normal, but it will be good to have my days productive and not sitting around waiting for these damn tastebuds to come back ;) And I miss my friends there. It will be good to be around all those crazy people again! The best crazy people ever!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I know...

I know, it's been over a month since I have posted anything... It's been a rough month. I will admit, and I have been a bit depressed. So I didn't feel like sharing my experience anymore. I am completely done with treatment though. My last radiation was on Tuesday, April 27th. It was a day to celebrate for sure and I rang the bell to signify my last treatment. But I really didn't feel like celebrating. I felt horrible. My neck was burned and cracking and peeling. I felt so weak that I could barely walk on my own and I felt so sick. I couldn't get the calories that I needed and what I did get, I threw up. My mouth was in so much pain and I felt like my throat was closing. I couldn't talk or swallow well. My doctor put me on a steroid to hopefully help my throat open up and get me to get more calories, otherwise I was getting a feeding tube. Which the feeding tube would be going in directly through my stomach and even though I may only need it for 3 weeks, I would have to leave it in for 3 months. And I felt horrible enough that I considered it and almost just had it done that day. But my doctor told me to try the steroid first. I agreed and thankfully I did. It has made all the difference in the world. My throat is open and I am getting 1,400 calories in a day and not throwing up! Small successes :) I still lost 20 lbs but maintaining that. I definitely don't want to lose any more. But now I am more determined than ever to just keep positive and get feeling better every day. I am pretty impatient, of course, but I think that helps with the determination. I can talk a little more every day and it is pretty strenuous for me but I am getting there. I still have to be on my pain meds and I can't taste or eat yet and lord knows, I cannot wait for that!! I am definitely ready. It's been 6 weeks since I have eaten or tasted anything. This girl is ready! It will be good to get more food in as well so that I can start working on my strength as well. I have lost all my muscle so that will be my next goal once the food comes back to work on getting my muscle back too. Keep thinking of me and sending good thoughts and prayers my way! I love you all and thank you for your never-ending support and love. I really do appreciate it and I am sorry for not updating like I should have. But I hope you understand. :)