Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well, "tomorrow" is only a couple weeks later. I'm improving... ;)
I saw my Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Avizonis, yesterday for my monthly check up. She checked my tongue and since it felt really good she spared me from the scope down my nose to look at the back of my tongue. I was very grateful. That is not a fun time, even if it is just for a couple minutes. Of course I would do it if I have to. Best to be safe...
I have gotten the "all clear" again from her and my ENT Oncologist, Dr Hunter. It's hard to feel excited though. Just seems that it has been one thing after the other since I found out in February. While not everything is life-threatening, it's still something I have to deal with.
I expected to be eating like a normal person by June. I'm sure my doctors warned me that it could take longer than that but I was looking on the bright side ;) But I didn't even get my tastebuds back until July 10th and then they were consistently inconsistent... Not to mention it still hurt somethin fierce to eat most things. So I drank a lot of milk. It was very soothing and "filled me up". I was so glad to be back at work but not so glad to have my cubicle outside of the breakroom. I would say it was very tortuous, and it could be, but I also knew I wouldn't be able to eat anything coming out of there. So it was a weird sort of longing but not longing :P
I ended up going to see my friend, Carly, at her work (The Health Spot) since she had started testing me on their Biomeridian machine. She said that we should test me again and she was certain they would have some nutraceuticals that would help speed my recovery up. I was all over that! It took a while but I was put on "UltraInflamX 360" which helps with inflammation which is actually a cause of terminal illness (including stress). And it was also the cause of my pain when eating. The stuff is not the most tasty of all things but it is definitely worth every nasty, gritty drop! I also do NOT recommend mixing it with soy milk, only rice milk. Soy makes it extra bueno!
I saw Carly one night and Pam (the usual biomeridian tech that has been doing it for years) stepped in and went through my testing. She was very understanding and just wanted to see me feeling and getting better. She even offered to test me for free going forward. That is such a blessing and I hope I can show her and Carly just how grateful I am to both of them. I just had a test tonight and it looks amazing. I can't believe the vast improvements in my health since my first test in March. I highly recommend to anyone and everyone. Pam is the one who informed me that my body could no longer digest dairy. I went to my regular doctor who put me through blood tests, a CT scan, as well as an endoscopy with no conclusive results. Pam tested me and knew within 5 minutes. Once I gave up the dairy I felt great. I guess I can understand where my regular doctor was coming from considering he wasn't super concerned about the lump on my neck and then it ended up being cancer... :P Lord knows I go to the doctor with any all unfamiliar symptoms now!

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