Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's Official! (meant to post back in August...)

Had my PET/CT scan done on Wednesday, August 4th. I have been patiently waiting for my results from my doctors since then. I called yesterday and got put on hold for about 15 minutes and then decided to hang up and call back only to get the voicemail :P My oncologist, Dr. Hunter, did end up leaving me a voicemail last night around 7:30pm and his exact words were "I have your results here and it looks really pretty good". All I could think was "What the HELL does that mean???" Needless to say, as soon as 9:00am hit this morning I was on the phone to his office. I left my number with the receptionist and she said she would have him call me. I just heard from him and I am all clear!!!! There is still some inflammation showing in the back of my tongue but he said that is normal to see after the treatment I have been through. And not to mention that I was diagnosed with an infection in my mouth and tongue later that same day after my scan. So, it all makes sense. Now I will just be monitored by seeing my doctor's every month and they will set up routine CT scans to keep an eye on things. I am so happy to be cancer free!!! Here's to staying that way for FOREVER! Thank you to all of my friends and family who have all been there helping me when I am up and when I am down. It is a bit of a roller coaster ride going through this and I appreciate everyone's help and support, ESPECIALLY my unbelievably wonderful, patient husband. I never would have made it through without him and Ian. They are my rocks and the loves of my life.

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