Friday, January 13, 2012

Who has two thumbs and is STILL cancer free...?

It's been basically a year since my last post. I'm as good at blogging as I am at keeping in touch... Anywho, I had my last CT scan (well, not last EVER but the last one I had) on November 16th and results are still clear! Very good news indeed. I am quickly approaching my 2 year mark which is actually a big milestone after cancer treatment. Of course you have to wait out the 5 year mark to be "cured" but the 2 year mark is a good indicator that if it hasn't reared it's ugly head yet, chances are high you can relax more the next 3 years. You start seeing the doctors less and less and CT scans become fewer as well. I'm getting to that point that it is almost like it never happened. Which is why I am grateful I did do this blog, as little as I did it. I actually wish I would have did little posts even on those days I felt so horrible. It could've just been a picture. I'm sure that would have been worth a thousand words alone... Oh well. What I do have is priceless. Here's is to another cancer-free year! (and preferrably NOT the end of the world because that would suck...)