Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy New Year!

Here's to a fabulous year this year! I finally feel like myself again. It's been a really long, hard road but so happy to be back. I never knew recovery would take so long. I think that is what makes recovery harder to deal with and understand than getting diagnosed and going through treatment. At least you know when treatment will end. Recovery is anyone's guess. And you are constantly looking for answers from someone and/or somewhere. My doctors could only say "It takes time". Patience is quite hard to come by but is the one thing you have to rely on. I felt like the whole scenario took away my summer, which is my favorite time of year and I had high expectations that I would be "normal" by then. When I wasn't, that was really hard to come to terms with. My family suffered the most with my emotions during that time. But both Charles and Ian were so supportive and so amazing. There is a good chance I am repeating myself. Which I am totally okay with. Charles and Ian both deserve as many props as I can give them ;)

But here is a toast to the new year. May it be a very boring year for all ;)

Live long and prosper bitches!