Saturday, October 2, 2010

Livestrong Day - October 2, 2010

October 2nd is Livestrong Day. It is the day that Lance Armstrong found out he had cancer. Lance has become such a strong advocate for cancer and he has chosen this day to ask everyone around the world to wear yellow for cancer awareness. Unfortunately I have no yellow except for a fleece jacket... :( Considering it is meant to be in the 90's today, that is not possible. So I will post this on my blog and my FB and wear my yellow wristband that I wear every day! Lance is a true inspiration for everyone who has, had, is a loved one of someone with cancer and all of those that could be diagnosed (so EVERYONE)! Please support him and his cause. I know cancer forever changed his life as it has mine, for better and for worse.

My Livestrong Day is February 26th...